Shaping a Brighter Future: Nyota Njema Real Estate’s Impactful CSR Initiative

At Nyota Njema Real Estate, we believe that our role extends beyond the realm of property management. We are deeply committed to fostering community empowerment and societal progress through our impactful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Guided by our core values, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us. From supporting differently-abled children and homeless youth to promoting education and environmental sustainability, our CSR efforts reflect our dedication to creating a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Making a Difference in Our Society: Nyota Njema Real Estate’s Commitment to CSR

Nyota Njema Real Estate transcends conventional property management, championing community empowerment and societal progress. Rooted in our core values, we are dedicated to illuminating a brighter future through robust Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Diaper for a Smile Program:

Central to our CSR efforts is the “Diaper for a Smile” initiative, especially prominent in June. Partnering with local organizations and community centers, we provide vital supplies and unwavering support to families with differently-abled children. Our recent visit to Shalom Hospitals highlighted the resilience of children with cerebral palsy, underscoring the importance of empathy and compassion.


Joy Children’s Home Celebration:

At Joy Children’s Home, we shared moments of joy with homeless children through engaging activities, games, and treats. The radiant smiles on their faces reaffirmed our belief in the transformative power of kindness and generosity.

Education Sponsorship:

We proudly sponsor students at Njabini Boys and Alliance High School, supporting their academic endeavors from form one to four. By providing access to quality education, we empower individuals to shape their destinies and inspire hope for future generations.

Nyota Njema Real Estate is more than a real estate entity; we are a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change. Through our unwavering commitment to CSR, we aim to create a ripple effect of positivity, one smile at a time. Join us on this transformative journey towards a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Diaper for a smile-2024

In a heartwarming display of corporate social responsibility, Nyota Njema Real Estate  joined hands again with the “Diaper for a Smile” initiative (Noweza Foundation).

At Nyota Njema Real Estate, we’re committed to more than just selling land; we also strive to give back to the community. One of our key initiatives, “Diaper for a Smile,” is dedicated to providing diapers to vulnerable children with cerebral palsy.

Founded by Damaris Kilelo in 2020, Noweza emerged from her realization that many mothers of children with cerebral palsy were missing therapy sessions. She learned that these mothers were often deterred by the stigma surrounding diapers, especially in an era where they are commonly used. To avoid this stigma, many mothers would postpone therapy until they could afford diapers.

Understanding the critical role of consistent therapy, Noweza has successfully helped three children transition from diapers to using a potty. Damaris started with just eight mothers, and despite the high cost of diapers—particularly for older children—she personally covered shortages and sought support from friends, relatives, and church members. This led to the creation of “Diaper for a Smile” to better address the needs of these families.

The name “Noweza” is a blend of the names of Damaris’s three children: Noni, Wema, and Zani. The foundation was inspired by the adjustments the family made to support Zani, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at a young age. The love and support from his sisters and the family’s determination to improve his quality of life motivated Damaris to start the foundation.

The journey hasn’t been easy. As the CEO, Damaris navigates challenges such as supporting single mothers, addressing cultural issues, and managing financial constraints. For instance, one case involved a father abandoning his family, while another required intervention due to a father’s harmful beliefs about circumcision and cerebral palsy.#

Nyota Njema Diaper for a Smile
Nyota Njema Diaper for a Smile

Noweza supports families by:

– Acting as a support group for mothers and children
– Educating mothers on effective caregiving
– Encouraging children to embrace self-love and reject pity
– Raising awareness and combating stigma around cerebral palsy

However, the foundation faces challenges, including financial constraints and the lack of a dedicated therapist. The need for consistent therapy and financial support for wheelchairs and antidepressants remains pressing.

To promote inclusion, we advocate for:

– Building accessible residential apartments and public spaces with wheelchair ramps or lifts.
– Designing public transport for people with special needs
– Reducing stigma and misconceptions about cerebral palsy
– Avoiding blame and promoting understanding that CP is not hereditary

Noweza also lacks a facility for hosting events and support for mothers who are unable to work due to caregiving responsibilities.

In 2023, Nyota Njema decided to contribute meaningfully to society by supporting Noweza. We dedicate one day every three months to spend with the mothers and children, bringing smiles to their faces. Our next event is on October 4th, coinciding with Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.

Join us in spreading love, sharing resources, and making a difference in the lives of these children and their families.

Did you know that 16% of the global population lives with a disability? Now you do.

Nyota Njema Diaper for a Smile
Nyota Njema Diaper for a Smile