Essential Paperwork for Investing in Land as an Unmarried Couple

While purchasing land as a couple may be a wise investment in the future, unmarried couples may encounter certain challenges in their investment journey, therefore, they need to have a backup plan in place while investing in property, just in case things don’t work out as they had intended.

It can be challenging to invest in real estate as an unmarried couple, but it’s crucial to make clear agreements and have formal documentation to safeguard both parties.

In the event of a breakup or other unexpected occurrence, there are a few measures one can take to safeguard both themselves and their partner.

Here is a list of things you can use to protect yourselves in such cases;

A Contract: It is important to have a written contract outlining the conditions of the investment, including how much money each party will put in, how much ownership they will have, and how profits and losses will be split.

Legal Counsel: To ensure that the arrangement is legally binding, it is a good idea to seek the counsel of a lawyer who focuses on real estate law.

Cost-sharing Strategy: Although dividing expenses half by half might seem like an easy way to allocate the responsibilities of property ownership, it’s not always that easy. As a couple, you should discuss who will be responsible for paying for any maintenance expenses to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Ownership Structure: You must decide how you want to own the property. It could be yours as tenants in common or as joint occupants. Joint tenants are those who immediately inherit the entirety of the property in the event of one person’s death. Tenants in common ensure that each person’s share of the land is passed on to their heirs in the event of their death.

Cohabitation Pact: A cohabitation property agreement is a binding document that specifies how property and other assets will be divided in the event of a split. In order to ensure that both parties’ interests are sufficiently protected, the pact must be properly drafted and executed.

  • The cohabitation pact should contain; the property listed on the title deed, buyout conditions in the event of a split, and the process of resolving disputes.
  • If you and your partner sign a cohabitation agreement, you should occasionally review it to make any necessary adjustments for any alterations in your situation, such as the birth of a child.

For more information, call/chat with us today!

Nyota njema Nanyuki serviced land